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Invitation Letter For Tourist Visa

Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa

If you intend to invite someone for a visit to Australia you may write a letter explaining your and the applicant(s) situation. Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited (applicant):

✔️ Complete name.

✔️ Date of birth.

✔️ The applicant’s address and telephone number.

✔️ Your relationship to the applicant being invited (friend, sister, brother, parent, niece, uncle, etc).

✔️ The purpose of the trip (vacation, business visitor, seminar, event).

✔️ How long the visa applicant you are inviting intends to stay in Australia (number of days, weeks).

✔️ Details on accommodation and living expenses (if they will be staying with you or at a hotel, etc).

✔️ The date the person/applicant you are inviting intends to leave Australia.

Include the following info

Your letter must also include the following information about the person writing the letter:

✔️ Complete name.

✔️ Date of birth.

✔️ Address and telephone number in Australia.

✔️ Occupation (job or profession) in Australia.

✔️ Your status in Australia (Permanent resident, Citizen, 457 Visa holder, Student).

✔️ A scan of documents supporting your visa/citizenship status in Australia, living arrangements and financial capability.

Remember that this is just a sample and should be considered as general information only. Please contact us for a detailed analysis and review of your case.

Sample1: Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa

Sam Smith,
2/85 Swanston Street
Melbourne, 3000

Te: To Whom It May Concern:

Application for Tourist visa: Bernard Shaw; April 4 1990; Passport No: W9284720

I am writing to confirm I wish to invite Bernard Shaw to visit me in Melbourne, Australia for 2 weeks in order to have a short holiday. I hope he will be able to come on 10th of April 2018 to 30th of April 2018.

I am an Australian Permanent resident and General Practitioner Working at Melbourne Royal Health Clinic in Melbourne. I will be on leave(Holiday) at that time.

I am able to accommodate him for the duration of his stay in Australia. Please see attached evidence of my accommodation.

Please see attached the following documents:
• Copy of my passport
• My Lease agreement

please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any additional information

Sincerely Yours,

Sam Smith

Sample Invitation Letter for friend

Sample2: Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa

Hanna Peterson
55 Eastwood Drive,
Melbourne, Australia. VIC 3145


Re: Invitation letter for Australian tourist visa for my parents
Visa applicants: Oscar Peterson (passport number X938472) and Briana Olask (Passport umber O8372645)

To Whom it may concern.

My name is Hanna Peterson and I’d like to ask for consideration of a visitor visa for my parents. I have recently completed my PhD degree at Victoria University and would love to have my parent attend my graduation Ceremony on 15th April 2018. I would like them to be with me for a month (from 5th of April 2018 to 5th of May Birth is due mid-November this year. It is a very important event in my life and hope to celebrate 4 years of my hard work and studies with them . I am currently on a student visa valid until 20th of January 2019. I will provide my parents with accommodation during their stay with me.

  • I have enclosed following documents:
  • a copy of my passport
  • Student visa

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information.

Sincerely yours,

Hanna Peterson

Sample invitation letter to invite parents

Sample3: Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa

Zhong Phan
47/2 St Kilda Road,
Melbourne, Australia. VIC 3004

Melbourne, 29/03/2022

Re: request for an Australian tourist visa for my parents
Visa applicants: Don Phan (passport number) and Senu Hakiwa (Passport number)

I am Feng Phan and am an Australian Citizen. I have been in Australia since 5 years ago. I’d like to invite my parents to Australia for them to spend the Chinese new year holidays with me here. They are looking forward visiting me during March- April 2018. As I am working full time here in Melbourne and we are in a very busy period I cannot leave work and therefore would love to have my parents with me for 6 weeks. They have enough money to support themselves while in Australia and I will provide them with accommodation.

Please see attached the following documents:
Copy of Citizenship Certificate
My father’s bank statement
Travel Itinerary

Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me

Sincerely Yours,

Zhong Phan


Sample invitation letter to invite parents

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