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Designated Learning Institutions

designated learning institutions

Designated Learning Institutions (DLI) are educational institutions such as universities, colleges and schools which have been specifically approved by a regional government in Canada as being permitted to enrol international students. Anyone intending to travel to Canada in order to study should ensure that they choose an educational instutition which has been recognised as a DLI by its relevant provincial or territorial government.

How do I find out if a school is a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)?

Each Canadian province and territory manages its own Designated Learning Instutition list. To see the DLI list for each province and territory.

If the school you intend to study at is recognized as a Designated Learning Instutition, it will appear on the DLI list for the province or territory in which it is located. You will also be able to find the school’s DLI number, which is required when submitting an application for a study permit.

You can also use the official DLI list to identify whether a particular school offers programs which are eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP).

What should I do if my school loses its Designated Learning Institution (DLI) status?

If your school, college or university loses its DLI status while you are studying there with a valid study permit, you will be permitted to continue studying until that permit expires.

However, please note that you will not be allowed to extend your study permit beyond its current validity without either the institution regaining its DLI status, or securing a place at a new school which does have valid DLI status.

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